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Talking Old SoldiersArtist: Elton JohnAlbum: N/AElton John N/A Talking Old Soldiers
Why hello, say can I buy you another glass of beer?
Well thanks a lot, that's kind of you, It's nice to know you care These days there's so much going on No one seems to wanna know I may be just an old soldier to some But I know how it feels to grow old Yea that's right You can see me here most every night You'll always see me staring At the walls and at the lights Funny I remember oh it's years ago I'd say I'd stand at that bar With my friends who've passed away And drink three times the beer that I can drink today Yes I know how it feels to grow old I know what they're saying son There goes old mad Joe again Well, I maybe mad at that, I've seen enough To make a man go out his brains Well do they know what it's like To have a graveyard as a friend 'Cos that's where they are boy, all of them Don't seem likely I'll get friends like that again. Well it's time I moved off, But it's been great just listening to you And I might even see yer next time I'm passing through You're right there's so much going on No-one seems to wanna know So keep well, keep well old friend And have another drink on me Just ignore all the others, you've got your memories. Toni Braxton: Talking In His Sleep Melissa Etheridge: Talking To My Angel На сайте функционирует система коррекции ошибок. Обнаружив неточность в тексте, выделите её и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.
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