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IntroArtist: Anybody KillaAlbum: Dirty HistoryAnybody Killa Dirty History Intro
Hey… Anybody wanna’ hear somethin’ dirty? Well you know, you’re gonna’ have to help me. You know that old building next to the Indian burial grounds? Well word has it, there’s a chest buried under the floorboards, under the stairway there, and inside there’s all types of dirty history left behind by this crazy warrior, and people say if it was ever dug up it would bring this guy back around, then he will spread all these messages himself, so now that I told you all, you STILL wanna’ hear somethin’ dirty? (yeah) (sure) (ok) ok… Follow me. Look! There’s the stairway, come on hurry up, let’s pull up these floorboards, look, there it is, help me pull it up, quick give me something to crank off this lock, (ting) (ting) Now help me open it up. WHAT THE?! Anti-Flag: One People, One Struggle Anybody Killa: Can't help it На сайте функционирует система коррекции ошибок. Обнаружив неточность в тексте, выделите её и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.
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