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Lookin' InArtist: Bad ReligionAlbum: N/ABad Religion N/A Lookin' In
suddenly, it came to me
a potent dosage of reality i saw myself in the broad daylight and it made me think about life im not the kinda guy who nods his head with closed eyes i scoff at labels i defy censuses and despise group mentality all along i through that this was only human but i know now that i'm in the minority i'm lookin' in now i think in relation to my fellow man and what strives to do we fail to see theres no compromise our evolution is our demise one day you may find that you are also one of me a micrososm of the human race observing those around us desiring to belong behing the guise of salvation we suffer along the way we're lookin' in Rolling Stones: Look What You Done Beastie Boys: Looking Down The Barrel Of A Gun На сайте функционирует система коррекции ошибок. Обнаружив неточность в тексте, выделите её и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.
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