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20 век - фото
Куклы 18-го века Emil Frohlich with Two Automatons ca. 1906 Original caption: Emil Frohlich with automatons invented by Droz, 1760-1773.
Кукла 19 века, в платье 1830 года. Mr. Schehl Pointing to Mechanical Part of Doll Original caption: Century-Old Robot Doll Draws and Writes. A robot doll over a hundred years old is "Miss Automaton," now reposing in the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia.
Разные автоматоны
"Наперсточник" из Пекина кукла делает трюки с чашками и шарами clock with caucasian automaton He does cup-and-ball tricks.
Master Craftsmen of France Automaton created by Renato Boaretto, who also designed music boxes.
Источник: marinni.livejournal.com