Artist: Dungeon Elite [**]
Title: Make Love Not Warcraft
Label: West Weddinghofen Records
Catalog: WWR001
Country: Germany
Year: 2007
Style: Nintendocore, Screamo
Quality: MP3 CBR128, Stereo, 44100
Totalsize: ~30 MB
Офигенный альбом. Рекомендовано к прослушиванию.
1. Insert coin
2. I've to do lvl 23 before server crush down
3. Stay togheter for the pics
4. GG
5. This is a cover of the darkest night
6. Continue...10 9 8 7
7. Put your hands up for yourself
8. I dunno if this song will be called pvp or tvb
9. Terren mill is under attack
10. Elite n.10
11. Game over
12. Mission complete (outro)
13. Mission complete (outro)
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