PASSOLO - это шаблонный редактор ресурсов любого формата, с расширенными возможностями, тонкими настройками и встроенной проверкой орфографии.
PASSOLO - cамая мощная утилита по переводу программ на различные языки мира. Понимает множество форматов, различает тип языка. Шаблонный редактор ресурсов с расширенными возможностями, предназначенный для локализации ПО. PASSOLO имеет визуальный редактор диалогов с целым рядом удобных инструментов форматирования, поддерживает работу практически с любыми ресурсами, имеет множество тонких настроек, опцию пакетной обработки, а также встроенную систему проверки орфографии.
Программа PASSOLO может помочь переводчику сэкономить уйму сил и времени при локализациях программ. Это из-за того, что в программе предусмотрена функция автоматического перевода и проверки переведённого текста на большинство типичных ошибок. Функция автоматического перевода осуществляется при наличии определённых словарей, которых существует множество в интернете, в том числе и от компании Microsoft. Если вас уже готовые словари не устраивают (а готовые словари не всех устроят из-за отвратительного качества оных), то их можно создавать самому. Достаточно один раз перевести какую-нибудь программу и экспортировать список перевода в словарь. И в дальнейшем этот словарь можно будет подключать при переводе новых версий программ.
В PASSOLO очень развита визуальная корректировка диалоговых окон в переводимых программах. Достаточно будет сказать, что она не намного уступает редактированию форм в Microsoft Visual Studio.Net. Если вы скажете, что и в Resource Hacker хорошая корректировка диалогов, то значит вы не видели PASSOLO. На этом список достоинств PASSOLO не ограничивается.
PASSOLO is a specialized software localization tool. It directly can handle a large number of software specific file formats, including executable programs, resource files and XML based files. Text strings can be translated into numerous languages including Asian languages (Unicode) and right-to-left scripts like Hebrew and Arabic.
PASSOLO is very easy to use and optimizes the software localization process. Users require neither time-consuming and expensive training nor programming experience. Software localization can be done without the access to the source code or the developers and can begin even before the final release of the software is available.
PASSOLO ensures easy compilation, exchange and processing of translation data. The Pseudo Translation checks the application for localization suitability before actual translation begins.
PASSOLO contains several WYSIWYG editors to adapt the user interface of a software. This includes editors for dialogs, menus, bitmaps, icons, and cursors. The user interface can be adapted without any danger of accidentally deleting or changing existing elements or structures.
With it's internal Translation Memory Technology, PASSOLO can re-use existing translations. Even text from programs which haven't been translated with PASSOLO can be used for the automatic pre-translation of new projects. The Fuzzy Matching Technology searches similar texts as well as exact matches. It increases the productivity of the translator and can shorten the translation cycle.
Software localization is part of a process which involves a number of experts, who generally all use different tools. PASSOLO is able to exchange data with all major Translations Memory Systems and supports common used data exchange formats.
What's new in PASSOLO 2007?
Application New Features
The output window of the fuzzy search has a new command in the context menu: "Show Differences". This shows the differences between the search string and the source string of the fuzzy translation.
PASSOLO glossaries can now be used to markup terminology.
New option "Unify replicates" for source texts. Such texts are unified with the function "Project Maintenance", i.e. only the first text replicate can be edited. The others get the same text and status.
A News tab has been added to the output window.
In the project window and the translation lists up to four columns can show custom properties.
New check option: Text is too long when converted to multi-byte
The fields and flags in the find dialog are stored permanently.
The columns in the text lists can be rearranged by dragging the column headers.
When right-clicking the header of the project list or a text list, the columns can be shown or hidden with the context menu.
New option when simulating translations: Don't change translated strings
When opening translation bundles the project window now shows the original folder hierarchy
Now you can find dialog Ids with the find function.
Two new command in the context menu of the translation window: "Lookup terminology" and "Store terminology"
The function "Check" that first shows a dialog can now be called from the string list. This makes it possible, to check the selected strings only
When calling "Scan Target (Alignment)" the correct file type is pre-selected.
The command "Reset data" now has a new option "Unsuppress Errors"
The find functions have two new options: "Find whole text" and "Find resource ID"
The resource tree in a text list shows resource IDs in a shortened way, if required. Particularly with long .NET IDs the relevant part is visible.
If a string suppresses checking errors, these are displayed in the "Info" tab.
Text lists now also have the command "Check..", that shows an dialog with additional options. This makes it possible to check the selected strings only.
When checking overlapping controls in Win32 dialogs the defined control groups are taken into account. If two controls are in different groups, they will not be checked for overlapping.
The check for printf and FormatMessage formats can now be activated for all resource types
You can assign numbers to tasks.
In project window you can set bookmarks on list entries, like in the string list window.
New view option: 'Synchronize selection in resource tree"
The paths for glossaries, macros, etc. can be changed in the system options.
The resource editor can be displayed in an own window (View / Resource position)
If you right-click the name of a text list shown in the output window (e.g. after updating) there are two new commands: "Open Text List" and "Locate in Project Window"
Bug fixes
When calling the "replace" function from within the project window, no more matches will be shown in invalid fields, e.g. the source text of translation strings.
The function PslProject.Export uses a PslTransBundle object to export multiple files to a single export file. Any export format (except 'translation bundle') can be used.
New functions PslTransBundle.AddOptions and PslTransBundle.SplitBundle
10 new features in SDL Passolo 2007
1. Full visual editing environment for the latest Microsoft localization technology – Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
2. Direct access to SDL Trados translation memories for untagged and tagged file formats.
3. Concurrent and direct access to multiple SDL MultiTerm databases. Term submission on-the-fly.
4. Newest parser technology supporting all Windows development platforms including .NET 3.0, Windows 64 bit and Delphi 2007.
5. Direct display of source files for additional context information when working on XML, Java and text files without visual support.
6. Enhanced navigation during translation of active links in comments or other feature fields.
7. Simplified localization of non-Windows based User Interfaces, such as hardware devices or embedded systems, through selected typeface display and maximum width checks.
8. TMX Level 2 support.
9. Further cost reduction by automatic exclusion of repeated content.
10. Simplified management of large translation teams when distributing translation bundles
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