Ipswitch WS_FTP Server — это мощный, надёжный и масштабируемый FTP-сервер для Windows, требующий минимальных затрат на установку и обслуживание и идеально соответствующий запросам как индивидуальных пользователей, так и предприятий любого масштаба. Сделайте ваши файлы доступными друзьям, коллегам и тысячам пользователей Интернета. Воспользуйтесь преимуществами 128-битного SSL-шифрования и создайте простое и эффективное решение для обмена файлами через Интернет, которое будет отвечать самым жёстким требованиям безопасности, редъявляемым в правительственных, финансовых, образовательных и медицинских учреждениях. Cервером WS_FTP можно управлять с любого компьютера, подключенного к сети — достаточно лишь скопировать на него исполняемый файл Server Manager. Для автоматизации различных задач управления WS_FTP предлагает вам мощные средства обработки сценариев. Например, для автоматизации регулярной процедуры обновления FTP-сайта можно создать сценарий, который будет извлекать новые файлы из архивов по мере их поступления на сервер, не только экономя ваше время, но и оптимизируя использование каналов связи.
Ключевые функциональные возможности:
# Обеспечение работы с самыми разными web-браузерами и клиентскими FTP-программами.
# Поддержка «докачки» данных.
# Возможность организации множества виртуальных FTP-серверов на одном компьютере.
# Гибкие механизмы авторизации, позволяющие использовать для хранения пользовательских учетных записей средства Windows NT/2000 или любую ODBC-совместимую базу данных, что существенно упрощает интеграцию FTP-сервера в информационную систему предприятия.
# Простота и удобство администрирования, осуществляемое с помощью интуитивно-понятного графического инструмента Server Manager, внешний вид которого выдержан в едином стиле утилит компании Ipswitch: слева — дерево виртуальных и физических FTP-серверов и соответствующих инструментов администрирования, справа — панель управления выбранным объектом.
Дополнительные преимущества:
− широкое применение SSL-шифрования для защиты пересылаемой информации; − возможность создания неограниченного количество учетных записей;
− управление правами пользователей на уровне отдельных папок.
Highest Levels of Security
* NEW! SSH Transfers – Transfer files over SSH protocol, which is firewall-friendly (uses a single port), supports inline compression for optimized file transfers, and maintains data encryption on all connections all the time.
* NEW! Stronger Encryption – 256-bit AES transport encryption over Secure Shell (SSH) and Secure Socket Layer (Implicit SSL and Explicit SSL) connections.
* NEW! File Integrity – Guarantee uncompromised delivery with SHA-512. Works optimally with WS_FTP Professional.
* NEW! Force Secure Client-Server Connections – Ability to require SSL or SSH connections, define minimum encryption levels, and specify connection requirements, such as TLS 1.0 or higher.
* NEW! Stronger Password Policies – Include auto-expiring passwords and guidelines for strong password creation that require users to reset their password at any time on an ongoing basis.
* NEW! Concealed Server Details – Hide logon banner to conceal server details.
* Login Authentication Encryption – All client-server connections are encrypted when using SSH or SSL protocol. FTP connections are also encrypted between WS_FTP Server and WS_FTP Professional.
* Digital Certificate Management – SSL certificates and SSH keys can be used for creating, importing, and exporting. Global SSL certificates and a Trusted Authorities database can be created on a per-host basis.
* Mutual Authentication – Mutual authentication of server and connecting file transfer clients.
* Exceed Compliance Regulations – Be compliant with government regulations such as HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, PCI DSS, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, BASEL II, and J-SOX.
* Industry-Standard Algorithms – Industry-standard and FIPS-compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing.
High Availability
* NEW! Improved Speed and Scalability – Faster FTP transfers and up to 50% better performance under heavy loads. Now scales to thousands of concurrent users.
* NEW! Architecture for Clustering – Utilize existing High Availability infrastructure to group multiple servers for redundancy, and overcome scheduled and unscheduled server downtime.
* NEW! Architecture for Load Balancing – Utilize existing High Availability infrastructure to distribute workload among multiple servers for improved performance.
* Disaster Recovery – Configure the top-level directory to point to a local or shared network drive that can be easily covered by disaster recovery processes.
Installation & Configuration Flexibility
* NEW! Silent Install for Fast Deployment of Multiple Servers – Customize installation configuration and quickly get multiple server deployments with unattended bulk installations up and running remotely.
* NEW! Choice of Databases – Use the embedded WS_FTP Server database or integrate with an existing Microsoft® SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server Express for both user authentication and server system configuration.
* NEW! Choice of Web Servers – Use the default standards-based Web server that ships with WS_FTP Server or integrate with Microsoft IIS for powering the Web administration interface.
* NEW! Syslog Support – Integrate WS_FTP logs with a company database or central data repository.
* NEW! Real-Time Active Directory Integration – Easily integrate with Active Directory database for user authentication. Utilize robust filtering to allow only the appropriate users to authenticate.
* Flexible User Authentication – Leverage existing user databases, including Active Directory, NT, Ipswitch IMail, or any ODBC-compliant database for integrated and secure user authentication.
Greater Visibility
* NEW! Storage Utilization Displayed to Connecting WS_FTP Professional Clients – Users connecting to WS_FTP Server 6.1 with the WS_FTP Professional 2007.1 file transfer client get a real-time view of their server disk space utilization.
* NEW! Client-Server Logging – Capture all file transfer activities with ability to filter, sort, and export. Filter allows you to narrow log data by user, client IP address, error message, and more.
* NEW! Administration Logging – Keep an auditable record of server administrator actions with the ability to filter, sort, and export.
* NEW! Real-time View of Client Connections – View client and server connections with ability to drop users or block IPs.
* Notifications – Create rules that automatically trigger email, SMS, and pager alerts and launch external programs.
Ultimate Control
* NEW! Protocol Choice – Enable file transfers over FTP, SSH / SFTP, and SSL / FTPS (Implicit and Explicit).
* NEW! Web Administration – Remote administration and management from any Internet connection.
* NEW! Lock Files During Upload – Ensure version control by preventing different users from simultaneously uploading and downloading the same file. File lock also prevents users from downloading a file before it’s fully uploaded to the server.
* NEW! Separation of Duties – Create host administrators who can only manage specified host. Set default host- and user-level options once and have them automatically apply to all new users added to the host from that point on.
* Permissions – Assign user or group permissions for uploading files, downloading files, deleting files, renaming files, and creating directories. Users can be locked into their home folder so they can’t navigate outside of their home directory structure.
* Usage limitations – Set limitations on storage space, file count, and bandwidth utilization.
* Automatic Restart – Automatically restart interrupted file transfers where they left off so users never lose valuable data because of a lost connection.
* Customized Messages – Display a customized www.luxter.ru message to connecting clients when they logon to the server.
* Address Blocking – Server access controls and ability to block connections by IP address.
* Virtual Folders – Grant virtual access to files so they can be shared by multiple users without knowledge that another user exists.
* Firewall/Network Address Translations (NAT) – Used to support for SSL connections.
* Configurable IP Addresses – Configure IP address and ports for better performance with firewalls and NAT devices.
* Supports Anonymous Users – Administrators can choose to make the server available to the public without having to create and maintain user accounts.
* Customizable SITE commands – Administrators can create custom commands that FTP clients can issue to help manage the server and files.
home - http://www.wsftp.com/