Новая версия утилиты Video Capturix, предназначеной для захвата видеопотока с любого видеоисточника, включая веб-камеры. Также, с помощью этой программы можно делать снимки видео, и сохранять их в форматах BMP, JPEG, GIF, JPEG 2000, TIF, PCX, PNG или поместить в буфер обмена и вставить в любимый графический редактор. Можна записывать любое изображение и действия (например открытие и закрытие окон), которое показывается на экране монитора, что поможет специалистам сделать демо ролик с инструкциями. Функция полноэкранного режима позволит превратить ваш монитор в полноценный телевизор. Программа умеет работать по расписанию, и начать запись видео в любой момент, когда вы ей скажите. Среди полезных функций программы следует также отметить возможность захвата отдельных кадров, или кадров через заданный промежуток времени. Качество записи держится на высоком уровне благодаря тому, что Video Capturix 2007 работает с драйверами устройства напрямую. Также поражает скорость захвата кадров, от 1-го до 30-ти в секунду.
Video Capturix 2007 is a powerful non linear video capture application. It lets you capture movies (in AVI format) from any Video for Windows or Windows Driver Model (Version 2005 or higher) video source. You can also freeze video images and save the image in BMP, JPEG,GIF,JPEG 2000,TIF,PCX,PNG format or copy the image to the Clipboard. You can even take timed snapshots to create a movie. A "Full Screen" option lets you transform your monitor into a video screen. An "Auto start" function gives you the ability to schedule a date and time to start capturing, Motion Detector gives you the ability to start recording when the video source changes. Other features include: an integrated movie viewer; the ability to print directly from any video source; the ability to insert copyright information into AVI files; and the ability to insert date, time and title information into your image; the ability to identify what codec compresses a AVI file and many others. You can also trigger the video/image recording using a joystick button or even a sound level detection.With the TWAIN scanner you can now scan documents and photos using Video Capturix 2007.
You can recompress AVI files using another CODEC. Extract a frame from any AVI Video File or you can even extract all frames from any AVI file and save it as a BMP or JPEG format file.
The new AVI BUILDER enables you to create a Video Clip (AVI) from multiple image files (.BMP). Now you can add a group of files by just pressing the group selection button, and this will add a group of files with a specific path (eg: MyImg*.bmp).
Windows Media Streams can be captured with Video Capturix 2007 (under certain limitations, for example: license and server permissions).
You can also use your DV camera and transfer AVI files to DV tapes (if supported) !
This enables you to freeze and capture images from any video source.
Even if you have selected other capture mode you www.luxter.ru can still capture a single image, by just pressing F11.
You can save this image to BMP,JPEG,PCX,GIF,TIFF,JPEG 2000 file format.
You will be able to take timed snapshots or motion frames as a way to make a movie or a group of image files set at speeds you choose. (eg. 1 frame every 3 minutes).
You can also save these images in 6 different ways:
- Movie file AVI.
- BMP files ( like 0001.BMP,...).
- JPEG files (like 001.JPG,...).
- Same BMP file (refresh same file)
- Same JPEG file (refresh same file)
- Put on Clipboard
- Send a copy of the captured frame to a FTP Server.
- Internal Web Server for streaming video.
Screen Capturix is a screen capture utility that lets you make movie files with the screen image. This features are very useful for creating demos or computer documentation.
You can capture AVI, BMP, JPEG or even put your screen image on clipboard.
Media Converter has the capacity to convert AVI files and split audio from video tracks.
home - http://www.capturix.com/default.asp?product=vcap