TrueCrypt - бесплатная программа для шифрования данных в операционных системах Windows Vista/XP/2000 и Linux. Во время работы создается виртуальный зашифрованный диск, который может быть подключен и отключен от систем. Зашифровать можно не только целые диски или разделы, но также и съемные носители информации, например, USB-диски. Для шифрования используются алгоритмы AES-256, Serpent и Twofish.
TrueCrypt is a software system for establishing and maintaining an on-the-fly-encrypted volume (data storage device). On-the-fly encryption means that data are automatically encrypted or decrypted right before they are loaded or saved, without any user intervention. No data stored on an encrypted volume can be read (decrypted) without using the correct password/keyfile(s) or correct encryption keys. Entire file system is encrypted (e.g., file names, folder names, contents of every file, free space, meta data, etc).
Files can be copied to and from a mounted TrueCrypt volume just like they are copied to/from any normal disk (for example, by simple drag-and-drop operations). Files are automatically being decrypted on-the-fly (in memory/RAM) while they are being read or copied from an encrypted TrueCrypt volume. Similarly, files that are being written or copied to the TrueCrypt volume are automatically being encrypted on-the-fly (right before they are written to the disk) in RAM. Note that this does not mean that the whole file that is to be encrypted/decrypted must be stored in RAM before it can be encrypted/decrypted. There are no extra memory (RAM) requirements for TrueCrypt. For an illustration of how this is accomplished, see the following paragraph.
Let's suppose that there is an .avi video file stored on a TrueCrypt volume (therefore, the video file is entirely encrypted). The user provides the correct password (and/or keyfile) and mounts (opens) the TrueCrypt volume. When the user double clicks the icon of the video file, the operating system launches the application associated with the file type – typically a media player. The media player then begins loading a small initial portion of the video file from the TrueCrypt-encrypted volume to RAM (memory) in order to play it. While the portion is being loaded, TrueCrypt is automatically decrypting it (in RAM). The decrypted portion of the video (stored in RAM) is then played by the media player. While this portion is being played, the media player begins loading next small portion of the video file from the TrueCrypt-encrypted volume to RAM (memory) and the process repeats. This process is called on-the-fly encryption/decryption and it works for all file types, not only for video files.
Note that TrueCrypt never saves any decrypted data to a disk – it only stores them temporarily in RAM (memory). Even when the volume is mounted, data stored in the volume is still encrypted. When you restart Windows or turn off your computer, the volume will be dismounted and files stored in it will be inaccessible (and encrypted). Even when power supply is suddenly interrupted (without proper system shut down), files stored in the volume are inaccessible (and encrypted). To make them accessible again, you have to mount the volume (and provide the correct password and/or keyfile).
March 17, 2008
Faster booting when the system partition/drive is encrypted (typically by 10%). (Windows Vista/XP/2008/2003)
Other minor improvements. (Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux)
Resolved incompatibilities:
On computers with certain hardware configurations, resuming from hibernation failed when the system partition was encrypted. Note: If you encountered this problem, the content of RAM may have been saved unencrypted to the hibernation file. You can erase such data, for example, by decrypting the system partition/drive (select System > Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive) and then encrypting it again. (Windows Vista/XP/2008/2003)
Remark: As Microsoft does not provide any API for handling hibernation, all non-Microsoft developers of disk encryption software are forced to modify undocumented components of Windows in order to allow users to encrypt hibernation files. Therefore, no disk encryption software (except for Microsoft's BitLocker) can guarantee that hibernation files will always be encrypted. At anytime, Microsoft can arbitrarily modify components of Windows (using the Auto Update feature of Windows) that are not publicly documented or accessible via a public API. Any such change, or the use of an untypical or custom storage device driver, may cause any non-Microsoft disk encryption software to fail to encrypt the hibernation file. We plan to file a complaint with Microsoft (and if rejected, with the European Commission) about this issue, also due to the fact that Microsoft's disk encryption software, BitLocker, is not disadvantaged by this.
Workaround for a bug in the BIOS of some Apple computers that prevented users from entering pre-boot authentication passwords and controlling the TrueCrypt Boot Loader. (Windows Vista/XP/2008/2003)
Bug fixes:
When the system partition/drive is decrypted under Windows, the original partition table will not be restored. Note: This issue affected users who repartitioned an encrypted system drive and then decrypted it under Windows. (Windows Vista/XP/2008/2003)
Other minor bug fixes. (Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux)
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