Стоит проверить свою систему на уязвимость личной информации, что хранится в вашем компьютере, о присутствии которой вы уже вероятно уже и забыли, перед возможными хакерскими атаками. Это может быть информация о ваших логинах, паролях, данных кредитной карточки, cookies и т.д. My Privacy- сканирует систему, анализирует уязвимость в процентах и предлагает все полученные данные стереть. Помните, что антивирусная система не спасет вас от кражи конфиденциальной информации. Вам необходимо всегда точно знать, какая именно информация осталась хранится на вашем компьютере и где именно, чтобы регулярно подвергать компьютер чистке и, таким образом, делать кражу тонкой информации невозможной. Будьте бдительны и осторожны, обладание подобной информацией может применено против вас
Analyze your privacy vulnerability! My Privacy - is a software application intended for probing the confidential information stored on your computer on its vulnerability to unauthorized access by hackers. Your computer may contain private information which you have long forgotten about. These may include your credit card information, login names, passwords as well as cookie files tracking your Web surfing habits. The My Privacy software finds all personal information and suggests its unrestorable erasure. The software also evaluates the level of your privacy protection and proposes ways to maximize it. Please bear in mind that no antispyware will save you from information theft. You need to be aware of what and where sensitive information is stored on your computer and purge it on a regular basis thus making information theft useless. Stay on the safe side!
Web-pages visited
My Privacy shows Internet addresses which you typed in the address string of your computer browser or visited.
Internet Cookie files
When your surf the Web an Internet site sends a cookie file which is stored on your computer. Such files contain information about your identify and preferences. By using My Privacy you can periodically remove the stored information in cookie files from your system, ensuring your privacy on the Internet.
Private Info
My Privacy locates and classifies the following types of private data on your computer:
1. Private data of personal character
2. Login names, passwords
3. Financial information including credit Card numbers
4. Other info
Upon retrieval of this information you can purge it all or delete selected parts. Then you can be sure that your data will not be a trophy for merous hackers.
Temporary Internet Files
When you surf the web information from every website you visit is stored on your computer. Web browsers cannot provide full privacy as they do not clean up all hidden files containing data about your actions. My privacy will give you a hand to handle this.
The Temporary Internet files folder of your computer stores not only web-sites but its graphic part. Besides personal character of this information it also occupies much space on your hard drive and may build up with no almost limits. My Privacy will allow you to evaluate the volume of this information and discard unnecessary graphic files.
My Privacy analyzes information stored on your computer and suggests handling of personal data, e.g. login names, passwords, credit card numbers, Web surfing habits. If this information becomes available to aliens your goodwill may be jeopardized. Entrust your private life and business affairs to My Privacy and be sure in your invulnerability and feel safe. Let My Privacy eliminate any traces of your in most remote corners of the Internet. And do not forget about useful hints from My Privacy on building up safety of your system. [/color]
Более подробно: http://smartpctools.com/myprivacy/index1.html