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StarNet X Win32 v9.1.1026

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StarNet X Win32 v9.1.1026

X-Win32 – простой и эффективный инструмент, которым пользуются более 1.5 миллионов человек во всем мире. Компания StarNet постоянно развивает функциональные возможности своего продукта. В результате X-Win32 сочетает высокую производительность, устойчивость и поддержку передовых технологий, в том числе OpenGL и SSH. Чтобы избежать чрезмерного объема программы, завышенной цены и излишних сложностей в эксплуатации, такие редко запрашиваемые функции, как совместный доступ к файлам, поддержка протокола FTP, эмуляция терминалов и службы telnet, исключены из состава продукта. X-Win32 – это только X-сервер для ПК и ничего больше! Уникальная для продуктов данного класса, подробная справочная система X-Win32 окажется полезной не только новичкам, но и квалифицированным специалистам, которые смогут найти новые методы существенного ускорения работы. Для создания наиболее комфортной рабочей среды в новых версиях учитываются все технологические новинки операционных систем Windows, поэтому X-Win32 полностью совместим с Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000 и XP.

Возможности X-Win32:
X-Win32 позволяет работать в среде Windows сразу с несколькими X-приложениями, запущенными на различных серверах. В отличие от других способов связи ПК и UNIX-серверов, X-приложения работают, не создавая помех Windows-приложениям. Пользователь может переносить и копировать данные между окнами X-приложений и Windows-приложений с помощью обычного буфера обмена. Подключение по протоколу XDMCP (X Display Manager Control Protocol – протокол управления отображением X-интерфейса) позволяет без потери функциональных возможностей воспроизвести на мониторе пользователя графическую консоль UNIX или Linux, например CDE, KDE или Gnome, и превратить ПК под Windows в мощную рабочую станцию UNIX или Linux.

Одна из наиболее популярных возможностей, которая отличает X-Win32 от других X-серверов для ПК, называется "Множественные XDMCP-соединения". Пользователь может подключиться сразу к нескольким системам UNIX или Linux и переключаться между консолями серверов. В отличие от конкурирующих продуктов, X-Win32 является единственным X-сервером для Windows, не требующим дополнительной настройки для работы в подобном режиме.

X-Win32, also known as X-Win32 LIVE is the most advanced PC X server on the market. While remaining the easiest to use, X-Win32 delivers the most complete set of productivity enhancing features and unmatched performance over both LAN and slow Internet connections. X-Win32 is the only PC X server that comes standard with integrated SSH, OpenGL and state-of-the-art session persistency to protect against session crashes. From network or server administration to designing the world's most advanced semiconductors, X-Win32 delivers the most cost-efective and secure solution for accessing remote UNIX and Linux hosts.

X-Win32 is loaded with unique and highly useful features, not found in any other PC X server. Learn more about these features:

* Session Persistency: Suspend and resume sessions on the remote Linux/Unix host or reconnect to them after experiencing a Windows, netowrk or power failure.
* Session Mobility: Start a session on your office PC, suspend it and resume the session from any other Windows PC, even from home.
* High-WAN Performance: Experience LAN-like performance when connecting from home, over VPN or from a WiFi Hotspot.
* USB Installation Option: Now you can start a session on one PC, take the USB key to any other Windows PC and resume your session.
* Integrated SSH: Offers high-speed SSH connections to hosts behind a firewall.
* Smart Copy & Paste: No more cumbersome drop-down menus, simply highlight text in X and paste it into Windows. From Windows, copy to the clipboard and paste into the X application by clicking the middle mouse button.
* Graphics Screen Capture Tool: Copy graphics bitmap images from your Unix/Linux application directly into Word, PowerPoint or other Windows applications.
* Ipsmart: makes it very easy to connect to a remote host from behind a DSL or Cable modem.
* Advanced Window Caching: This technique dramatically speeds up screen refreshes and other X transactions.
* Universal Keyboard Selection: Automatically configures X-Win32to the right keyboard for any language.
* Session Folders: You can sort your sessions by host, by project, or any other way and save them into named session folders.
* Password Updating: Host access passwords frequently change for security reasons. With this feature you can update the passwords for all your sessions on a particular host with a few clicks.
* XML-Based Session Settings: Most PC X servers still use the problem-plaged system registry. X-Win32 sessions are stored in XML files that can easily be edited.
* Detailed Connection Status Dialogs: Connection status dialogs with graphics show the progression of the connection, plus a log window to show warnings and errors specific to that connection. This makes it much easier to diagnose session connection problems and to see output from the remote command.
* Dynamic Window Scaling: X-Win32 is the first PC X server having activated the RandR extension, you can now scale the remote desktop simply by grabbing the corner of the window and dragging it to the desired size. And you can scale the window to be larger than your actual monitor.
* 29 Languages: X-Win32 now offers localization for 29 languages.
* Setting XResource Defaults: This feature allows X applications to be displayed just as they would on the Unix/Linux console.

Other Key Features:

* Open GL Support: X-Win32 features OpenGL support including hardware acceleration, resulting in frame rates of up to 3,000 FPS.
* Render: Extension support for Linux applications.
* Simplest User Interface: We have gone to great length to create the simplest possible user interface. Different session types are identified with different icons.
* Multiple XDMCP: Most PC X servers allow just one remote Unix/Linux desktop to be displayed. X-Win32 offers the ability to run multiple remote X desktops concurrently. This is a powerful feature as most end-users have applications running on various hosts.
* Simple Session Configuration: X-Config offers many conveniences in the session configuration not found in any other PC X server.
* Automatic Display Address Mode: Sets @MYIP@ to the local address that was used to contact the remote machine, eliminating the need to constantly select a different display address in X-Config, resulting in fewer session connection problems.
* Desktop Shortcuts: With a single click, create a desktop shortcut for your remote X sessions.
* Session AutoStart: You can store sessions in the "AutoStart" folder. Whenever X-Win32 is launched, these sessions are started automatically.
* Multiple Monitor Support: Display your remote desktop over multiple monitors or display different remote and local desktops on different monitors.
* Licensing Options: X-Win32 has both Node-locked or Concurrent licensing options.
* IPv6: Compatable for all session types.
* Session 508 Compliant

Session Configuration Tool(X-Config) Features:

* Hovering the mouse pointer over a session on the Sessions form shows a Tool Tip with the session settings.
* Icon View opens each setting form in its own window; Tabbed View is still available.
* Tabbed View has an icon on each tab to help visually identify the category.
* X-Config forms are resizable, preventing frustrating problems with forms too small at high resolution.
* The position and size of each window is remembered, allowing a more custom feel.
* The Xauth cookie is saved to a file, offering tighter security for local X11 aplications or remote applications being started with rexec/rsh (if you save the file on a shared drive.)
* X-Config's Security form is easier to understand. www.luxter.ru Previously, when the Xhost list was empty it meant that all X11 applications would be allowed to connect if the Access Control mechanism was turned off. Now, you must explicitly select 'Allow all host addresses' for this to happen, in addition, you can completely disable this mechanism by selecting 'Only allow these host addresses' and not adding any hosts to the list. (In this case, the list will show a single entry that says 'no hosts allowed.')
* The Network form renames the Proxy display address option to 'Override' to indicate that this feature applies to more than just cases where a NAT or proxy session is in use (e.g. when you want to manually specify one of the several addresses that your machine is using).
* The Network form shows the TCP Port that corresponds to the Base Display Number to provide better information for you when opening posts in your firewall (although we recommend that you instead use StarNetSSH and leave your firewall fully enabled).

Home - http://www.starnet.com/products/xwin32/

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