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Ultra Recall Professional v3.51.4

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Ultra Recall Professional v3.51.4

У обычного компьютерного пользователя все важные данные разбросаны “по углам”, все находится в различных местах и в различных форматах. Как все это объединить? Продукт фирмы Kinook, -Ultra Recall Professional - это современный трансфертный информационный менеджер для решения широкого спектра задач по захвату поступающих информационных данных и документов, их сохранению и классификации на основе "дерева элементов", т е всего, с чем вы сталкиваетесь в своей работе, всего, что прошло через ваши руки, все, что вас заинтересовало, все, что попалось вам на глаза. Ultra Recall - позволят окончательно разрешить проблему "поиска иголки в стоге сена"! Это могут быть контакты, документы, веб-страницы, PDF, интересная информация, справочники, менеджер софта с описанием и т д. и т п., - все, что можно себе только представить, все будет объедено и структурировано для быстрого нахождения в одно мгновение. В продукте очень много, для информационных менеджеров, как привычных, так и непривычных позитивных качеств, всего не перечислишь. Где, например, полнотекстовый поиск не ограничивается страницами HTML, а включает также файлы PDF и офисных приложений. В этом и других качествах, Ultra Recall гораздо более продвинут, чем аналогичные программы.

Ultra Recall is personal information / knowledge / document management software for Microsoft Windows.
It helps you easily capture, organize, and recall all of your electronic documents and information across all the applications that you use. Click on the links to the left to learn more about how Ultra Recall can help you become more productive today.

Ultra Recall Benefits

Stop Losing InformationBecause

Ultra Recall can manage all your data regardless of its source, you don't have to wonder where your data is or how to retrieve it. From captured web research to managing Word documents and notes, you can store your data in Ultra Recall with the confidence that when you need it, you can recall it on demand.

Consolidate Your Data

The typical computer user has important data in many locations and in a variety of formats. Ultra Recall eases this daunting data management task with its comprehensive file and data format support, advanced organization capabilities, high performance, and dependability. Instead of maintaining parallel sets of information segregated by their type or source, you can organize notes and data by linking them all together logically in Ultra Recall.

Organize Information the Way You Think

Have you tried other PIM applications and information organizers only to be let down by being forced to layout your data in a way that is confusing or counter to your style? Given up trying to find a tool that makes sense to you? Ultra Recall enables you to organize notes, documents and information with an unprecedented flexibility. Give Ultra Recall a try and you'll find that instead of forcing you to change, it can adapt to you!

Solve the Needle-in-a-Haystack Syndrome

Many of us fall prey to the overflowing Inbox, the ever-expanding My Documents folder, or an overwhelming bookmark list because these methods of data organization are simply too limited, too confusing, or too inconvenient. Even the most dedicated organizers are frustrated by spending significant time storing their information, then struggling to retrieve it when it is needed. Leverage the advanced searching capabilities of Ultra Recall and experience the unexpected: data on demand!

Secure your Sensitive Information

Have information that you want to ensure stays private? Is Windows-based file/folder encryption either 1) not available, 2) too confusing, or 3) too difficult to manage? Ultra Recall is your solution! With its integral 256-bit encryption at your fingertips, this information organizer lets you secure your information with ease, knowing it is safe and available with a single password.

Backup your Data (and know it can be recovered!)

We all know we should back up our data, but many of us either don't have the time or knowledge to successfully implement a backup strategy that ensures what is important will actually be protected. By placing your data, files and notes in Ultra Recall, you can safely and easily back up a single Ultra Recall database with complete confidence that in the event of computer failure, your data is safe.

Более подробно: http://www.kinook.com

Windows Vista, XP, 2000, or Server 2003/2008

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