Тот редкий случай, когда русскоязычному пользователю предоставляется реальная возможность познакомится с крипт-софтом "прозрачного" шифрования дисков с предзагрузочной аутентификацией высокого уровня, причем не только наличием русского интерфейса, но и присутствием подробного файла справки на этом языке. Программа BestCrypt Volume Encryption обеспечивает прозрачное шифрование всех данных, хранящихся на жёстких и съёмных устройствах, автоматически, как только данные затрагиваются Windows или любыми другими программами. В случае шифрования же системного или загрузочного раздела, BestCrypt Volume не позволит загрузиться системе без ввода необходимого пароля (паролей). Напомним, программа использует сверхпрочные и в ближайшие 30 лет непреодолимые алгоритмы шифрования такие как, - AES (Rijndael) - 256-bit; RC6 - 256-bit; Serpent - 256-bit; Twofish - 256-bit, и имеет несколько возможностей спасения, с расшифровкой томов, с случае серьезной поломки диска. Но, время неумолимо движется вперед, напомним что, - 2-я версия, претерпела значительные изменения, в угоду современным требованиям безопасности и обеспечению более высокой скорости работы:
>>> заменен режим шифрования LRW на более надежным и быстрый XTS;
>>> поднят хэш-алгоритм с SHA-256 на SHA-512;
>>> для обеспечения более высокой безопасности и гибкости доступа,- один пароль заменен несколькими паролями;
>>> добавлен Анти-Кейлоггер для блокирования захвата вводимых с клавиатуры паролей сторонними программами;
>>> введена портативная, несколько ограниченная версия, для мобильности;
>>> снято ограничение размеров дисков в 2TB;
>>> осуществлена поддержка PKI Client Aladdin, в результате чего стала возможной работа с устройствами eToken на операционной системе Windows Vista x64;
>>> появилась возможность переноса содержимого BCVE кода из MBR сектора на первый сектор съёмного носителя и восстановление прежнего содержимого MBR сектора, а так же работа с многооперационной системой.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption software provides transparent encryption of all the data stored on fixed and removable disk devices.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption software opens a new class of Volume Encryption products. With the software users can encrypt old MS-DOS style disk partitions as well as modern volumes residing on a number of physical disk devices, for example Spanned, Striped, Mirrored or RAID-5 volumes.
Main Features
Encrypts all types of volumes residing on fixed and removable disks:
Simple volume, i.e. volume consisting of one disk partition.
Mount point - volume mounted as a sub-folder on NTFS-formatted volume.
Multipartition volume, i.e. volume consisting of several disk partitions:
Spanned volumes;
Mirrored volumes;
Striped volumes;
RAID-5 volumes.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption allows encrypting data with many strong encryption algorithms. Every algorithm is implemented with the largest possible key size defined in the algorithm's specification:
AES (Rijndael) - 256-bit key.
RC6 - 256-bit key.
Serpent - 256-bit key.
Twofish - 256-bit key.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption utilizes XTS Encryption Mode with all encryption algorithms listed above. XTS Mode is specially designed for applications working on disk sector level and more secure than other popular modes used earlier, like LRW or CBC mode.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption can encrypt volumes where Windows boots from, as well as the volume where Windows stores its system files (including Registry, Page file and Hibernate file). Initial encryption is transparent both for running applications and for Windows system modules.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption performs Computer Pre-Boot Authentication if system or boot volume/partition is encrypted. It means that BestCrypt Volume Encryption loads before operating system and allows computer to boot only after entering a proper password.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption provides an easy way to customize Pre-Boot Authentication texts appeared when the user is required to enter password. The feature allows displaying additional hints when the user is being prompted to enter a password and even hide the fact that pre-boot authentication is running.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption supports hardware tokens Aladdin eToken R2 and PRO as a secure hardware storage for encryption keys. With hardware token users get two levels of protection for encrypted data, because in addition to password it is necessary to connect small hardware token where encryption key is stored.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption provides Secure Hibernating. If user encrypts volume where Windows stores Hibernate File, BestCrypt Volume Encryption encrypts all write operations when Windows goes into Hibernate state and decrypts read operations when the computer wakes up from Hibernate state. Since pre-boot authentication is necessary at wake-up time, only the user who knows the proper password (and has hardware token, if used) can run computer from Hibernate mode. Secure Hibernating is a functionality that must be implemented in such software as BestCrypt Volume Encryption, otherwise all data written at Hibernate time (together with encryption keys) appears on disk in opened decrypted form.
As well as Hibernate File, BestCrypt Volume Encryption encrypts Windows Crash Dump Files. Windows writes files in a very special way, because when a crash occurs, regular disk write operations cannot be used. Without encrypting Crash Dump Files the security level of the software were significantly lower, because the files can store a snapshot of memory together with encryption keys on disk in opened decrypted form.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption supports a number of rescue functions allowing users to decrypt volumes if a serious disk crash occurs.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption Plugin for BartPE bootable CD/DVD is available. The user can boot computer with encrypted volume using the bootable CD/DVD and run BestCrypt Volume Encryption commands directly from the CD/DVD. The functionality can be extremely useful for various recovering purposes.
Besides of the functionality that must be in such kind of software, BestCrypt Volume Encryption cares about convenience in using the software:
If some folders on encrypted volume are shared for network access, BestCrypt Volume Encryption will automatically restore the shares when the user mounts the volume. The software stores information about shared folders in encrypted form.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption allows optional mounting not system volumes automatically before computer starts loading operating system ("Mount at Boot Time" option).
The software allows per-user setting for mounting not system volumes when the user logs on ("Mount at Logon" option).
The software has an option to hide drive letters for volumes that are not mounted. The option allows avoiding accidental formatting not mounted encrypted volumes.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption can display contents of physical sectors, relatively to physical disk or logical volume. The sectors' data can be saved to file or restored from file.
Read more about new features implemented in version 2 of the software (such as Anti-Keylogger, Traveller Mode, multiply passwords and other) in New features in version 2 article.
02-September-2008 | v.2.10.03 | driver v.2.14
Conflict with Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 has been resolved. The software now clears keyboard buffer in low-level computer BIOS not only after entering boot-time password, but also before that (article Bypassing pre-boot authentication passwords by Jonathan Brossard explains possible attack in detail).
Более подробно: http://www.jetico.com