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Linkman Pro v7.5.0.0 TE

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Linkman Pro v7.5.0.0 TE

Программа для хранения, упорядочения и проверки интернет-ссылок. Утилиту также можно использовать для синхронизации, импорта и экспорта Избранного Internet Explorer, Закладок Netscape, Opera и Mosaic. В программе имеется множество настроек, позволяющих комфортно управлять ссылками, а также быстро проверять их, удалять дубликаты, а также производить поиск по базе данных.

Linkman is a complete bookmark management solution to store, organize, annotate and check your favorite Internet pages. Linkman efficiently handles up to millions of URLs by using a database to store your links. It can call upon many powerful facilities that replace the browser's native URL management systems. You can easily add links from all browser windows and let retrieve keywords and descriptions automatically. The user interface is highly customizable. You get the capability to import and synchronize from existing bookmark collections and export bookmarks in a variety of formats. You can even build your own Export Templates. Several Template examples like XML and HTML output are included. Linkman supports multiple versions of ten different Windows browsers.

What makes Linkman special is the sheer speed that allows you to access your links. Just start typing a keyword and get results within a second, even with large databases. Linkman is also the only Windows bookmark manager which can load and save Internet Explorer Favorites in correct item order.

Feature overview

Compatibility with all major Windows browsers:
Internet Explorer 3.x-8.x, Firefox 1.x-3.x, Netscape 3.x-7.x, Mozilla 1.x, SeaMonkey 1.x, Opera 4.x-9x, Avant Browser, Neoplanet, Netcaptor, MyIE2, SlimBrowser
Windows 2000, 2003, XP and Vista.
Supports keywords, ratings, comments, descriptions, shortnames and user defined data
Ability to handle large databases (even millions of links) without performance or stability issues
Optional installation on removable drives (e.g. USB sticks)
PDF Manual (separate download)
Desktop Toolbar for fastest browsing ever
Internet Explorer Toolbar
Highly customizable user interface
Detects duplicate links, even if they differ in subdomains, ports or login data
Query for URLs on the same domain or subdomain and display results in groups
User defined rating system
Extensive help file including Tutorial
Ability to check URLs for dead links, content changes, page movements
Retrieves keywords, descriptions and custom metatags from web pages
Proxy support with authentication, permanent (LAN) or Dial-Up Internet connections
Direct Internet Explorer Favorites support (including correct item order)
Multiple import and export formats
Netscape Navigator/Firefox Bookmarks (preserves RSS feeds)
Opera Hotlist
Separated Value files
Export Templates (XML, TSV...) with Unicode UTF8 support
Fully customizable Html Link webpage generation
Search and Replace
Text and Status Query
Link Collector
Printing support
Password protection
Sort feature with multiple sort orders and autosort
Drop Basket for faster browsing and URL addition
URL Path associated launch
URL Launch History
Fast Links for fast access to your favorite URLs
Daily Links feature for regularly visited sites
Full Drag and Drop support including link drops from browser to Linkman
Advanced Tray Icon (configurable actions)
User defined browser support
Auto save
System-wide hotkeys for easy use, even when working with another application

Homepage: http://www.outertech.com/index.php?_charisma_page=product&id=5
Язык Интерфейса: англ
Активация|рег код: есть
Размер файла: 5,15 Мб

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