Революционная платформа для реализации вашего музыкального творческого потенциала, где нет необходимости оглядываться в прошлое на привычные набившие оскомины стереотипы. Songtrix Gold 3.0 помогает музыкантам таким же гибким и открытым образом как текстовой процессор (редактор) помогает писателям. Создайте последовательность аккордов и примените к ним стили для создания аранжировок за секунды. Или создайте свой собственный шедевр на пустом месте проигрыванием посетивших по наитию музыкальных идей для быстрой их сборки и обработки. Исследуйте новые и оригинальные гармонические прогрессии для Вашей музыки с интегрированными в программу инструментами, которые принесут всю мощь музыкальной теории непосредственно в творческий процесс. Соберите воедино и напечатайте партитуры на нотных листах легко и просто и разместите и поделитесь своим произведением с друзьями и поклонниками по всему миру с помощью ChordWizard Network.
Check out this revolutionary platform for musical creativity and you won't look back. Songtrix Gold 3.0 supports musicians in the same flexible and open-ended way that a word processor supports writers. Compose a chord sequence and apply styles to produce a professional musical arrangement in seconds. Or create your own masterpiece from scratch, using intuitive events like strums and drum rolls for rapid drafting and refinement of musical ideas.
Explore new and original harmonic progressions for your music, with integrated tools that bring the power of music theory directly into the creative process. Compile and print staff notation effortlessly, then take your completed songs to the world by publishing them securely on the ChordWizard Network.
Automatic Styles
With styles, Songtrix can turn a simple chord sequence into professional arrangements for backing tracks, improvisation practice or rapid composition.
A diverse set of musical styles is supplied, and these can be mixed across tracks for literally millions of style combinations!
You can use substyles with Intro, Fill-In and Ending patterns to create rich and seamless performances of the finished work.
The process is flexible and transparent, so you can choose which parts of the song will use styles, and see the musical events that Songtrix generates.
You can progressively override and customize style events to get exactly the sound you are looking for.
Compose Yourself
Songtrix is also a blank canvas for developing your own musical themes. Use the rich palette of musical events to produce your original compositions or arrangements from scratch.
Audition and select chords from the menu, then design your own rhythms to play them with.
Tracks can split into repeating segments to automatically propagate your drum and rhythm patterns throughout the song.
Take full control of the creative process by adding and editing musical events within Songtrix, or with an attached Midi keyboard (or other instrument).
You can easily apply playing techniques - such as sustain, slide, pitch bend and vibrato - to achieve a stunningly realistic performance.
Staff Notation
Songtrix generates and displays staff notation automatically, continuously and accurately as you work. You can instantly switch between the different views of your song, even during playback.
This improves your sight-reading skills, and ensures that you can effectively communicate your work to others, regardless of your scoring ability.
Songtrix provides many options for compilation and placement of staff symbols, so your song contains the visual layout of the music as well as the precise performance.
Staff notation can be printed for complete musical scores or for individual parts separately. Other printed formats are also available, such as lyric sheets or lead sheets with lyrics and chords.
Music Theory
A great strength of Songtrix is the awareness of music theory built right into the workspace. You can mark out key centres, and call on a variety of harmony tools to interpret, inform and guide the creative process.
Songtrix can link tracks and automatically reharmonize them to accommodate the selection of a different chord or scale.
Not strong on music theory? No problem! Whatever your background, the How Music Works multimedia tutorials included with Songtrix are an invaluable reference.
Starting with the basics of sound, the tutorials progress to the advanced topics of songwriting and improvisation, providing sample sounds throughout to clearly demonstrate each point. Each topic can be printed, or the whole set of tutorials can be printed as a book.
Publish Securely
Take your completed musical works to the world by publishing them on the integrated ChordWizard Network website!
The ChordWizard Song (CWS) file is much more secure than Midi or other file formats. It features encryption, protection and an embedded link to your publisher profile, so others can contact you without your email address being exposed.
Publishing on the ChordWizard Network is a great way to make yourself known to this global community of musicians, and to meet other members for discussions and collaborations.
You can also download and enjoy the songs and styles that others have produced.
And Much More...
Midi files can be imported into Songtrix, using a process that analyzes and identifies chords (which Midi does not provide). Songs can be exported to Midi files, to WAV files (for burning to CD) or to MP3 files.
Recording from a Midi keyboard in Songtrix is great fun and easy, even if you don't play the piano. Songtrix changes the chords for you, so can record great sounding rhythms without lifting your fingers from the keys!
Songtrix can efficently apply a wide range of adjustments to your song, to shift, stretch, quantize, humanize or transpose events.
Songtrix Gold adjusts to suit your playing level, and extends so you never outgrow it. Advanced level is very comprehensive, with 57 chord types and 36 scale types, which you can add to without limitation.
The whole package is superbly documented with a Help file that sits side-by-side with the workspace for easy reference, as you explore the world of musical creativity that is now open to you.
- Minor release to fix a couple of performance issues.
- Setup program now correctly initializes the activation of chord types and scale types for the selected playing level.