UltimateZip – простой в использовании архиватор. Благодаря гибкому интерфейсу UltimateZip подходит как новичкам, так и опытным пользователям. UltimateZip поддерживает форматы сжатия ZIP, RAR, ACE, 7-ZIP и другие. Программа использует стандарт AES во всех его выражениях (128-bit/192-bit/256-bit AE-1 & AE-2) и формат шифрования UZE.
UltimateZip offers hundreds of features, but is still easy to use. With it's very flexible user interface, UltimateZip is easy to use for first-time users and offers many features for power users.
Here is a list of the most important features found in UltimateZip, but we recommend downloading an evaluation copy to realize its full potential.
Superior ZIP Support
UltimateZip offers supperior ZIP format support. Here are the most important features:
* Support for unlimited file size and unlimited number of files in ZIP archives
* ZIP AES support (WinZip 9.0 standards supported)
* Fast and strong compression and decompression
* Multiple disk spanning
7-ZIP Support
7-ZIP is an advanced compression format featured in UltimateZip. It is an open source format, providing an open architecture and high compression ratio. 7-ZIP outperforms most other archive formates. The 7-ZIP format is not controlled by any organization or individual, but by an open source LGPL project to which anyone can contribute. More information about 7-ZIP can be found at 7-Zip.org.
Multiple Formats Support
UltimateZip supports most popular compressed and encoded formats currently in use.
* Read and write support for ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA (LZH), TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, BH,
XXE, UUE, and MIME (Base 64)
* Read and extract support for: RAR, ARJ, ARC, ACE, ZOO
Home - http://www.ultimatezip.com/features.htm
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