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RSS Bandit

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RSS Bandit
RSS Bandit - это простой и удобный RSS-клиент, имеющий все основные возможности для комфортного чтения и управления новостными каналами. Внутренние области программы со списком категорий, тем и содержанием новостей легко сворачиваются и меняются друг с другом местами. Новости группируются в категории не только в зависимости от источника, но и по таким признакам, как прочитанные/непрочитанные, просмотренные, отмеченные, отправленные и удаленные. Кроме того, RSS Bandit позволяет проводить поиск информации в полученных новостях или Интернете. RSS Bandit может сохранять базу данных новостей на удаленном источнике, что позволяет работать с программой на любом ПК с выходом в Сеть.

RSS Bandit is an Open source desktop news aggregator written in C#. Instances of the program can be synchronized using WebDAV, FTP or a file share. Single-click automatic discovery of RSS feeds. Ability to post comments to weblogs. Support for tabbed browsing using embedded Web browser. Support for password protected feeds using SSL & HTTP Authentication. Look of news items displayed in the feed pane can be customized using XSLT. Ability to flag items for followup. Ability to track related news items and displaying them in a threaded view akin to a mail or news reader.


Synchronizing Feeds with Google Reader and NewsGator Online

This feature is one I'm sure will be appreciated by peoples who like reading their feeds from multiple computers but still want a desktop-based feed reader for a variety of reasons (e.g. reading feeds from a corporate intranet while roaming your feeds from the public Web). With this feature you can have multiple feed lists which are synchronized from a Web-based feed reader such as Google Reader or NewsGator Online while still keeping some feeds local. All you need to do is go to File->Syncronize Feeds and follow the steps as shown in the screen shots below after selecting the option to synchronize feeds you are taken to a wizard which gives some options of feed sources to synchronize with and obtains your user credentials if necessary.

once you have given the wizard your information your feed list is synchronized and every action you make in RSS Bandit such as subscribing to new feeds, unsubscribing from existing feeds, renaming feeds or marking items as read is reflected in your Web-based feed reader of choice. The experience is intended to mirror the experience of using a desktop mail client in concert with a Web-based email service and it should work as expected.

in addition you can also use Google Reader's sharing feature (or NewsGator's clipping feature) directly from RSS Bandit as shown below

Downloading and Managing Pending Podcasts

Podcasts and other enclosures can either be downloaded automatically based on your settings or downloaded manually via right-clicking on an item. Below is a screenshot showing how to manually download a podcast that is attached to a blog post.

To see your pending downloads, you go to View->Download Manager you can now view and manage pending downloads of podcasts/enclosures as shown in the screen shot below.

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Changing the Font Size on the Reading Pane

As many of our users know, RSS Bandit uses Internet Explorer as it's embedded Web browser. Somewhere along the line in the switch to Internet Explorer 7 from Internet Explorer 6 we lost the ability to change the size of the font in the embedded Web browser by using the [Ctrl] and [+] or [-] keys.

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