Global Mapper - это универсальная программа, позволяющая просматривать, конвертировать, преобразовывать, редактировать, распечатывать различные карты и векторные наборы данных. Ваши данные могут быть загружены как слои (при работе в Digital Elevation Model), или как отсканированая топографическая карта для 3D изображения местности. Может работать в реальном времени, загружая данные с присоединённого к компьютеру GPS приёмника. Поддерживает огромное количество форматов, имеет много различных инструментов и опций.С ее помощью можно подсчитывать расстояния от одного объекта до другого, подводить контуры изображения, настраивать контрастность и т.д.
Используя встроенный скриптовый язык, можно упростить работу, задав повторяющиеся задания в качестве выполняемой функкции.
Просматривает форматы:
DGN (вплоть до 8-й версии), DLG-O, DRG, DOQ, DEM, DXF, SDTS DLG, SDTS DEM, ECW, MrSID, ESRI Shapefiles, E00, MapInfo MIF/MID, MapInfo TAB/MAP, GTOPO30, TerrainBase, SRTM, ETOPO2, ENVI DEM, JPG, PNG, BIL, BSQ, BIP, XYZ, Tiger/Line, Arc Vector Coverages, VPF (VMAP, DNC), S-57, ADRG, CADRG, CIB, JPEG2000, GIF, NOS/GEO, Garmin PCX5, GPX (GPS eXchange Format), OziExplorer WPT/PLT, Zmap Plus Grids.
Global Mapper is more than just a viewer capable of displaying the most popular raster, elevation, and vector datasets. It converts, edits, prints, tracks GPS, and allows you to utilize GIS functionality on your datasets in one low cost and easy to use software package. Global Mapper also includes the ability to directly access the entire TerraServer-USA database of USGS satellite imagery and topographic maps free of charge, the ability to easily access WMS data sources, including built-in access to elevation data and color imagery for the entire world, and to view elevation data in true 3D with any loaded raster imagery and vector data draped on top of it!
Your data files can be loaded as layers, for example a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can be loaded with a scanned topographical map to create a 3D view of the map. A digital aerial image can be draped on the surface together with vector contour mapping to create a stunning and informative graphic. The results can be printed, or the workspace can be exported to a high resolution raster image for use in a presentation or report.
GlobalMapper Have you ever received a dataset that does not match the projection of your current project? Simply load the dataset into Global Mapper, change the projection, and save the file to match your coordinate system. If the dataset is larger than the area you are interested in, export the data using the crop feature and change the projection and format of the data at the same time.
Global Mapper is more than just a utility; it has built in functionality for distance and area calculations, raster blending, feathering, spectral analysis and contrast adjustment, elevation querying, line of sight calculations, cut-and-fill volume calculations, as well as advanced capabilities like image rectification, contour generation from surface data, view shed analysis (including Fresnel) from surface data, and triangulation and gridding of 3D point data. Repetitive tasks can be accomplished using the built in scripting language or comprehensive batch conversion functionality.
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