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UltraEdit Portable

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UltraEdit Portable

Мощный текстовый редактор для написания текстов программ, HTML страниц и т.п. Сами создатели программы называют ее "Text Editor - HEX Editor - HTML Editor - Programmers Editor". Основные возможности: подсветка синтаксиса, проверка орфографии (в инсталляционный файл включена проверка английского языка), сверхрасширенные функции форматирования текста, поддержка нескольких буферов обмена, мощный поиск и замена, управление горячими клавишами, макросы, поддержка Unicode, встроенный FTP-клиент и многое другое.

Ultra Edit - Text, HEX, HTML & programmers editor for allyour editing. An excellent replacement for Notepad and a whole lot more. Powerful yet very easy to use for thenovice and experienced power user. The userconfigurable syntax highlighting (coloring) ispre-configured for HTML, Java, C/C++, VB - even hasspecial support for ASP. Users have often edited filesof 1GB or larger with UltraEdit-32. Its disk-basedediting design allows for easy handling of large fileswithout using up lots of RAM. UltraEdit-32 will meet your editing needs.

Key features:
• Code Folding
• Supports 64-bit file handling (standard) on all 32-bit Windows platforms
• Unicode support
• Disk based text editing and large file handling - supports files in excess of 4GB, minimum RAM used even for multi-megabyte files
• Mulitline find and replace dialogs for all searches (Find, Replace, Find in Files, Replace in Files)
• 100,000 word spell checker, with foreign languages support (American English, British English, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish and Swedish)
• Syntax highlighting - configurable, pre-configured for C/C++, VB, HTML, Java, and Perl, with special options for FORTRAN and LaTex. Multiple wordfiles available for download
• FTP client built in to give access to FTP servers with multiple account settings and automatic logon and save. (32-Bit Only) Includes support for SFTP (SSH2)
• SSH/Telnet window
• Project/workspace support
• Environment Selector - Provides predefined or user-created editing "environments" that remember the state of all of UltraEdit's dockable windows, toolbars and more for user convenience.
• Integrated scripting language to automate tasks
• Configurable keyboard mapping
• Column/block mode editing
• Hexadecimal editor allows editing of any binary file, shows binary and ASCII view
• Named templates
• HTML toolbar preconfigured for popular HTML functions
• WebSearch Toolbar: highlight text and click a websearch toolbar button to search for highlighted term from within the editor
° Google search
° Yahoo search
° Wikipedia
° Dictionary.com
° Thesaurus.com
° Whois
° Network Solutions Whois
° PHP.net search
° cplusplus.com search
° MSDN online search
• File encryption / decryption
° Encrypt your sensitive source code files using your own key
° Integrates with UltraSentry to (optionally) securely destroy original, unencrypted file
° Decrypt files in UltraEdit only
• Integration with UltraSentry to securely delete UltraEdit temporary files
• Multi-byte support with integrated IME support

Changes in UltraEdit v14.20 (2008-10-07):
* Improved FTP Support
- Full support for FTPS (Control only, Control and data, Implicit)
- Redesigned Open from FTP/Save as to FTP dialogs
- Ability to set a (server based) remote or (Perl regex based) local filter (provides filtering ability for SFTP)
- Improved proxy support
- Improved SSL certificate handling
- Ability to set local default directory for each FTP account
* Scripting access to the clipboard
- Access content on the clipboard via UltraEdit.clipboardContent;
- Fill the clipboard via var myClipboardContent = UltraEdit.clipboardContent;
* Threaded function list with option to move focus to function list on refresh
* Line numbers available for "List lines containing string" dialog
* Enhanced large file detection and handling
- Prompt for each large file opened to open without temp files, line numbers, etc.
* Single click activates file in "Open" list (file tree view)
* Added application icon to Windows Explorer context menu option
* Added ability to add up to 20 external Help files
* Added ability to specify column order for bookmark viewer
* Added menu option to reset floating dialogs (View -> Views/Lists -> Recover Floating Windows)
* Many other minor enhancements/improvements

Homepage - http://www.ultraedit.com
Language: English
Лекарство: не требуется
Size: 8,37 Mb

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