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WinRK v3.1.2

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WinRK v3.1.2

WinRK - коммерческий архиватор для Microsoft Windows. Разработан Новозеландской компанией M Software. WinRK поддерживает собственный проприетарный формат RK, а также форматы ZIP, GZip , Bzip2, Tar, RAR и ISO. Некоторые тесты[1] показывают, что WinRK обеспечивает самое сильное сжатие среди программ в своём классе. Однако из-за лицензий и отсутствия поддержки ОС, кроме Microsoft Windows, формат RK проигрывает в популярности ZIP, RAR и 7-Zip.

When Pat Bird suggested writing a database manager for ringers (back in 1997) I expected to write it in a week. It was actually on sale late in 1998 and here we are, more than ten years later, and it's still being perfected!

Over the years we've had many suggestions (good and bad) from users and we managed to incorporate many of their requested modifications and new features into v2. However, the v2 database structure wasn't up to the job and the application had evolved up to (and probably past) its limits. It was time for a change.

Work on WinRK version 3 started in 2003. The database structure was redesigned to allow much more flexibility and the v2 to v3 database conversion utility program (imaginatively called Con2v3) written. Then the fun started!

WinRK v3 has so many new features we don't know where to start!

WinRK v3 is a database manager designed specifically for ringers.

WinRK v3will run under any version of 32-bit Windows on any standard PC.

(For details see 'Recommended Minimum Requirements' on the Sales page)

WinRK v3 can store full, quarter and handbell performances on up to twenty bells.

(Handbell performances expect the ringers to hold the traditional 1 and 2, 3 and 4, etc.)

WinRK v3 allows a strapper to be included in the ringers.

WinRK v3 has (virtually) unlimited multi-method storage.

WinRK v3 allows conducted, silent and non-conducted and jointly conducted performances.

WinRK v3 will display, analyse, export and print your performances.

WinRK v3 can import records stored in Andrew Craddock's PealBase.

WinRK v3 will enable you to email your performances to Ringing World, Campanophile, etc.

WinRK v3 is easy-to-use, comes with a full on-disk manual and context sensitive help.

How is data stored?

* A standard, commercial database engine is used
* Any number of databases may be created
* Each database is self contained
* There are no restrictions on database names
* Full, quarter and handbell performances may be mixed in the same database
* New databases can be created from selected information extracted from an existing database
* Databases can be merged
* The amount of data you can store is limited only by the size of your computer's hard-drive

What information is stored?

* Peals or Performances you have rung
o Society, tower, date, method, changes, composer, conductor, ringers, publication, etc.
* Societies for whom you have rung
o Name, Peal fee, Secretary, etc.
* Ringers with whom you have rung
o Addresses, telephone numbers, email, previous names, etc.
* Towers in which you have rung
o Place name, county, number of bells, date first rung
* Rings of bells
o Which bells were rung, tenor weight, etc.
* Composers whose compositions you have rung
* Conductors who have called your peals
* Publications that have printed your peal
o Name, volume, page, etc.
* Foundries where bells were cast

WinRK v3 will perform searches that can be displayed, printed or used as the basis for a new database...

* All data can be searched
* All searches may be performed using LIKE or UNLIKE operators
* Multiple searches may be performed using AND and OR operators
* When searching for performances by towers the ring may also be included
* When searching by date performances on a specific date, all performances after the search date, all performances before the search date or performances between the two search dates may be chosen

...and it will display and print:

* Performances in either single or multi-line format
* Ringers' details in either single or multi-line format
* Society details
* Tower details
* Composers
* Conductors
* Foundry details
* Publication details
* County counts
* Composer counts
* Conductor counts
* Method counts
* Publication counts
* Ringer counts
* Society counts
* Tower counts
* A performance certificate
* An index of all performances in a selected tower
* Search results

WinRK v3 will perform searches that can be displayed:

* Tower Circling is displayed by ringer, tower and if required, a ring within the tower. Select to count as ringer or conductor
* Year Circling will display how many times a selected ringer has rung a performance on each day of the year
* Ringer Circling will display how many times each ringer has rung a performance in a selected Tower and, optionally, using a specific Ring
* Display all towers rung by a selected ringer and how many times in each

Home - http://www.winrk.co.uk/features.htm

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Новость из портала NNM.Ru (NoNaMe)
www.Topic.lt/2009/02/13/winrk-v3.1.2.html URL - R.K. Frimen

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